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Showing 61 - 80 of 110

This standard is about identifying fire hazards, and contributing to continuous risk assessment by regular review, monitoring and reporting to ensure that risk reduction measures, fire precautions...

NOS – Identify and report hazards and risks associated with fire SFJFS1

This standard is about the practitioner, either on their own or in co-operation with others, ensuring that, as far as is reasonably practical, everyone on the premises can escape safely in the event...

NOS – Assess risks associated with fire SFJFS2

This standard is about ensuring that required fire safety resources are available, including active and passive fire protection systems. Implementation will be in accordance with a pre- determined...

NOS – Ensure measures are in place to protect people from fire SFJFS3

This standard is about commenting on the suitability of materials and the fire risks associated with the design, construction, alteration and use of premises. Individuals will work within their...

NOS – Review fire safety matters relating to existing or proposed construction SFJFS6

This standard is about advising on management control systems and practices, and active and passive systems affording protection from fire to people, property and the environment. It includes...

NOS – Review matters relating to fire protection systems SFJFS7

This standard is about developing, maintaining and evaluating emergency plans and arrangements to enable the reduction, control or mitigation of the effects of emergencies and provide a framework for...

NOS – Develop, maintain and evaluate emergency plans and arrangements SFJCCAC1

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Consider the use of military aid Understand: What support can be provided by military resources...

Training – Wildfires

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Identify appropriate organisations that could provide assistance and develop an effective multi-agency...

Training – Wildfires

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Consider how to provide appropriate supervision Understand: The safe systems of work to be used when...

Training – Wildfires

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Consider using specialist vehicles or equipment available from other organisations Understand: What...

Training – Wildfires

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Establish communications with aircraft Understand: The benefits and limitations of communications...

Training – Wildfires

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Establish the safety and security of take-off and landing areas for aircraft Understand: The benefits...

Training – Wildfires

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Consider the protection of ecological and heritage assets Understand: The importance of...

Training – Wildfires

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Consider the environmental impact of firefighting Understand: That indirect impacts on...

Training – Wildfires

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Identify and manage Boling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (BLEVE) Understand: The term...

Training – Hazardous materials – Physical hazards

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Contain flammable liquids Understand: Methods, techniques and equipment to manage and reduce flow of...

Training – Hazardous materials – Physical hazards

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Use the appropriate media to effectively and efficiently extinguish fire Understand the use of the...

Training – Hazardous materials – Physical hazards

Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome ...

Training – Hazardous materials – Health hazards

During periods of multiple incidents, communication between fire control and operational personnel at incidents using radio communications will increase. Failing to manage this effectively could...

Multiple calls and multiple incidents

The Future of Incident Command (CFOA, 2015) set out the argument for Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) to consider how incident commanders are selected, developed and trained to ensure they are prepared...

Complementing incident command experience: A guide for fire and rescue services